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Messages - Gagamama

Pages: 1 [2]
All things bladder related / COMPLEXITIES OF MANAGEMENT
« on: May 17, 2010, 06:37:53 AM »


I note we are, as yet, few so I thought I would post some thoughts:

It would appear (I have sought professional help - at last!") that I have stress incontinence and over-active bladder problems.  The former have been developing slowly over many years but started - so it seemed - after I had a hysterectomy. I put it down to the fact that the other organs in my abdomen shifted about a bit now there was a big empty space and this put pressure on the muscles. Otherwise it was just the usual post childbirth stretching that comes home to roost many years later.
The over-active bit started only with  the menopause and did improve a little bit at first with  HRT, when I was on a high dose. Unfortunately the higher dose HRT triggered more migraines and after a decade I came off it and later went back at a much smaller level.
Not even my gynaecologist is entirely sure about how much of each problem is contributing to the overall one which is very frustrating as it means we have to do a trial and error thing.
We tried the medication (Regurin - Trospium Chloride) but that gave me SUCH a dry mouth I could hardly speak - not ideal for a singer! My Gynae' - who is otherwise quite sensitive for a man - felt it was okay to tell me that he had heard a FEMALE gynae' tell a conference that women have a hobson's choice: wet mouth or wet knickers. Not very helpful or encouraging.
I have some faith that bladder retraining through the measuring and timing  (there's information in the links elsewhere I notice) method may eventually show some improvement, though it does seem obsessive to have a jug in the bathroom and be recording everything: some of my friends think this is counter productive because it makes me more aware of my bladder, obsessing about it and thus creating anxiety. But those friends are lucky enough not to have bladder problems!
If anyone  has any additional thoughts they'll be very welcome.

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